Tips To Get Out Of A Rut

Every once in a while (like when Mercury is in Retrograde) I find myself struggling to find the motivation to tackle work and day-to-day tasks. It’s like the second I wake up, I’m ready to go back to sleep. If that sounds relatable, here’s what I do to help myself on those days!
Make a list of things to tackle in the day and check them off.
Even things that seem small like changing from your sleep clothes to lounge clothes or eating a meal, those are accomplishments! I always feel better when I check things off a list so being able to write things down that I know I can accomplish (even through my sluggish feelings) makes me feel a little bit better about my day and myself.
Treat yo’ self!
That face mask you’ve been wanting to try but never found a moment to do it? Do it now! Self care goes a long way, especially when you’re not feeling yourself. Throw on that face mask and chill for a few minutes. Read an interesting article or watch a show while you wait, this is essentially multi-tasking so be proud of yourself for that alone!
Be nice to yourself.
Just like we sometimes have sick days, we also sometimes need to have a mental health day. That’s okay! There is nothing wrong with you. You will get through it! It happens to the best of us. Have more tasks you planned to do today? Push them aside and don’t get mad at yourself for it. Sometimes I have to ask myself why I’m being so mean to my own body, especially when I definitely wouldn’t be so ugly to someone else going through the same thing! Step outside your body and treat yourself like you would treat a friend who needs a little extra love.
If you’re looking for more ideas, once upon a time when I had these same feelings, I made this video:
I don’t know what I was thinking with the music level but oh well, past Taylor’s problem.