Facing My Tank Top Addiction – The Purge

It’s time for me to face a problem I’ve been having for the last few years. An addiction, if you will, so here goes:
Hi, name is Taylor and I’m addicted to wearing tank tops.
Just kidding (sorta), if you follow me on any form of social media or see me IRL, you know I have this issue where I exclusively live in tank tops.
How many tank tops do I own? Only 45!
I’ve been trying to kick this habit since the beginning of 2017. “Don’t let me buy any tank tops, today.” I’d tell my friend, Montse, while we cruised around Target. For me, it’s tank tops. For her, it’s band t-shirts. “It’s only $5 so really what’s one more tee? It’s SO cute on you!” We aren’t very good for each other.
Why tank tops you ask? There are so many reasons, y’all. For one, I lived in a beach town where it’s acceptable (and encouraged) to wear a tank top and shorts over your bathing suit all day, every day. Two, I have decently broad shoulders so I’ve always hated wearing restricting tops. With tanks, it’s just an open arm hole, perfect!
Also, the brain power it sometimes takes me to piece together an outfit somedays is exhausting enough that it makes me want to take a nap.
Not to mention how many perks there are to wearing tank tops like how they double as super cute workout wear! Or how about how Target sells the best ones for $8 – $15?! YES, PLEASE! It’s economic.
This wake-up call has been knocking at my door for a while now but has become more clear as my friends have gotten involved. My friend Ali gave me a Zara gift card for Christmas to “find something that scares me.” I’ve been to Zara countless times with friends but have only ever bought a plain white t-shirt because as Montse says, “that’s so basic” to which I reply, “WHAT’S WRONG WITH BEING BASIC?!”
ANYWAY, my plan is to purge the tank tops. All of them. They must go. I need to show my husband that I in fact have nothing to wear and I’m not just being picky that day. I’m going to be 23 in February so I feel like it’s time to start dressing like a grown up. But how?
I blame my strange fashion choices as a teenager. I went from matching my sister (who is 5 years younger than me) wearing Gymboree until I was 12 (thanks, Mom) to pairing brightly colored skinny jeans with glitter shirts that had sassy sayings on them. (I’m looking at you, Happy Bunny)
Then suddenly I woke up and realized I’m now 22, done with college, married, and I still have no idea what my style is outside of tank tops. If the tank tops disappear, do I disappear?!
My goal is to be a well-adjusted 23 year old who knows how to dress like a 23 year old. I have just under 3 months to prepare and I’ll take any support I can get. (please & thank you)
I’ve bagged up 38 of those tank tops so I have no choice but to make conscience and adult like fashion choices. So, here’s to hoping I come out on the other side as a grown up!