Nation Movie Nights: The Grinch

It’s week 3 of our 3rd annual Nation Christmas Movie Nights! This week we’re visiting Who-Ville! If you’d like to read about week one, click here, if you’d like to read about week two, click here.
Week 3: Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
For my family, this movie is a must for Christmas time!
Here’s what we decided to snack on this week:
- Roast BEAST Sandwiches
- These were a hit!
- Easy to follow recipe here.
- These were a hit!
- Red Velvet Banana Bread
- I think I over-cooked this so be wary Lol!
- Recipe here.
- I think I over-cooked this so be wary Lol!
- A Grinchmas Cocktail
- Recipe:
- 2 oz Midori
- 1 oz lemon juice
- 1 pump simple syrup (I used Vanilla Amoretti Premium Syrup)
- Recipe:
- Garlic “In Your Soul” Rolls
- Freezer section, sorry, I’m lazy!
I completely forgot to take photos in between cooking the sandwiches and mixing cocktails, oops!
While watching we decided to drink every time they said “who,” although I think after the first 10 minutes we were over it. Haha!
Next week we’ll be watching Elf. It’s my favorite Christmas movie ever and I can’t wait to wear my tacky Christmas sweater for it!